Intelligence aspects of big data analytics for Kenya national security
Njoroge, Ann Wangechi
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Strathmore University
In the age of rapid technological advancement, the range of threats to national security have
evolved, becoming more complex and diverse, while the duty of the government remains that of
securing its country. With the exponential rise in amount of structured, semi-structured and
unstructured data generated every day, big data has become a core competence for the government
which is linked to national security and the operations of the intelligence community. Big data
provides intelligence organizations the opportunity to increase their investigative capabilities to
combat threats to national security by enabling them to collect, analyze and disseminate
information at a pace which could not be as effective in the traditional era. Governments will
however be faced with the challenge of developing new capabilities to exploit and manage big
data, which will require a rigorous review of the existing intelligence models and processes. The
aim of this study is to examine the scope of applicability of big data and analytics in the functioning
of the intelligence community, with a focus on the intelligence cycle. It also looks at the ethical
and technical issues that limit the use of big data and analytics for national security. An exploratory
research design was used to provide insight from the national security organs and intelligence
community in Kenya on the applicability of Big Data and Analytics for national security. The
study established that big data and analytics have a statistically significant effect on the intelligence
cycle and national security organizations should embrace this new technology since it provides a
lot of actionable insights. Based on this study it is recommended that the government enact more
legislation to help develop an efficient and effective policy infrastructure for the various
stakeholders in the intelligence community.
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts Diplomacy, Intelligence and Security
Big data, Analytics, Security, Intelligence