Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Access for Training and Employment Opportunities by Kenyan Youth.
Waswa, Gwen M.
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This study addresses the issues facing the youth on access to ICT training and employment. It
specifically addresses the case of the youth living in Nairobi province. It adapts the definition of
a youth from the Kenya National Human Development Report, that defines a youth as people
resident in Kenya who are between 15 to 35 years old (KNHDR, 2009).
The objectives of the study were to establish the education level attained by the unemployed
youth, to identify the benefits attained by the youth having the ICT skills, to identify the
challenges faced by the youth in relation to ICT employment and training at all levels of
education and to propose a framework for addressing school and unemployed youth access to
ICT employment opportunities.
The research design adapted in this study is quantitative design. In this design, structured
questionnaires were prepared in line with the objectives and skillful research assistants were used
to collect data from randomly selected household in Nairobi province. The target population for
this study was the unemployed youths but economically active group, living in Nairobi province
as defined in 2009 population and housing census. These are youth living in the four districts of
Nairobi province namely; Nairobi West, Nairobi East, Nairobi North and Westland.
The findings of the study revealed that majority of the youth seeking for employment are
between the ages of 21-25 years old (55%). It also revealed that 57% of the unemployed youth
lack ICT training. Out of the remaining 43% that have ICT training, 28% have basic computer
application packages such as Microsoft office.
The study proposes a framework that can be used by the youth to easily access ICT training and
employment in Kenya. It also suggests an implementation matrix that is geared towards
addressing the issue on youth access to ICT training and employment in Kenya. According to this framework, ICT training should be enshrined in the school curriculum. It should start from primary, secondary and tertiary for those youth in school. For those out of school without formal education some basic ICT training course can be offered that will lead to professional certification.
A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of
Master of Science in Computer Based Information Systems
Nairobi, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Kenyan Youth., Training and Employment Opportunities