Critical success factors for SAP implementation : a model for implementing SAP projects in Kenya.

dc.contributor.authorMuthamia, Charles Kirimi
dc.descriptionPartial fulfillment for award of the degree of Masters of Science in Information Systems.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe terms of ERP implementation is huge in terms of financial and human resource requirements. It is therefore important that proper planning of any ERP project is undertaken to ensure that it achieves its initial objectives. The success of any information systems project is determined by the methods, tools and procedures adopted in its implementation. It is therefore critical that appropriate methods, best practices, tools and procedures are used in project implementation to increase chances of success. This study is focused on the Systems Applications Product (SAP) implementation of Kenya and sought to understand the critical success factors for SAP project implementation, the best practices for SAP implementations and finally come up with a model for SAP implementation in Kenya The study established that top management support, effective project management business process re-engineering, data conversion and phased project implementation approach are critical to success in SAP project implementation in Kenya. Political interference has been noted as major cause of delay of projects in Kenya. Accelerated SAP (ASAP), an implementation methodology for SAP is preferred for SAP implementations in Kenya. It incorporates all the best practices required for a successful SAP implementation in Kenya. It incorporates all the best practices required for a successful SAP implementation in Kenya. This methodology was used by more than 90% of the companies that had implemented SAP in Kenya. The study finally recommends a model SAP implementation that requires senior management to devlop and implement strategy that directs the middle management level in laying a project and change management infrastructure. Operational teams from various business functions then designs the business procedures to accommodate business operations in SAP.en_US
dc.identifier.citationT58.6.M88 2009en_US
dc.publisherStrathmore Universityen_US
dc.subjectIT Project Managementen_US
dc.subjectProject Implimentationen_US
dc.subjectSystems Applications Product (SAP)en_US
dc.titleCritical success factors for SAP implementation : a model for implementing SAP projects in Kenya.en_US