A web based model for management of research information in Kenya
Kitsao, Nyanje Kadzovu
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Strathmore University
For Kenya to become a knowledge-led economy, there must be better coordination of Kenya’s multiple institutions dealing with research and development, and that Kenya must adopt a better dissemination strategy. The current method of managing research information does not adequately address research sharing, duplication of research and dissemination.
The study aimed at investigated how research information is managed in Kenya and sought to identify information requirements for management of the research, identify any limitations of the current system and propose a model for management of national research.
The study reviewed research management activities being undertaken by some selected countries developed and developing in Africa and across the world and found that most countries have already employed or are putting into place, measures to consolidate research information for knowledge sharing and elimination of duplication of research effort.
The study found that there is a lot of research going on in Kenya. However, research information is scattered across the various institutions performing research. The research revealed there is willingness by institutions to share their research information but Poor infrastructure, none enforcement of regulations on research and lack of a central location to collect this information are major limiting factors to the access and sharing of research information.
A model was proposed that can be implemented for suitably managing research information nationally. The model was proposed as a central database on a web-based platform after an analysis of the current research activities in Kenya and a review of existing models used by other countries/organizations.
The Research concluded that the National Council for Science and Technology (NCST) is nationally mandated to coordinate all research operations in Kenya. It is therefore, suitably placed to host the Centralized Database and since the model proposed has a very wide range of takeholders for research information; its implementation requires NCST to vigorously create awareness of the roles it plays in coordination of research in Kenya and let stakeholders buy into the benefits likely to accrue due to shared central research resources. Regulations and procedures for any conduct of research done in Kenya should be enforced with penalties or sanctions being imposed on those that default.
Partial fulfillment to the requirements of the award of Master of Science in Computer Based Information Systems (MSIS).
Information management, ICT, Research
HD30.2 .K4 2011