Leveraging data analytics for information extraction : data analytics algorithm for decision making

Adalo, Steve Kayugira
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Strathmore University
Organizations in Kenya are yet to tap into the full benefits that come with the data explosion also known as data deluge or information overload in this information age. This explosion is a result of readily available data on internet and mobile technology. Social media streams, machine sensors and mobile telephony has given rise to new data that never existed before providing more options for decision making. Mobile and internet usage has been growing steadily in the recent past in Kenya though still trailing developed economies. This is a positive indicator in embracing use of technology. Regardless of this opportunity that comes with new data is left untapped. This presents data analytics tools for decision making. This will enable organizations to capture and organize a wide variety of data types from different sources that are untraditional, and to be able to easily analyze it within the context of their enterprise data. An algorithm was designed to leverage on the huge volume of data generated fast and never gets to contribute in decision making process. This algorithm is a component of data analytics tool for information extraction. The algorithm designed is heavily informed by the research findings that showed that too much data is available in organizations and its most appropriate use should be decision making.
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Information Technology