MSIT Theses and Dissertations (2014)
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- ItemSecured web service model for public service interoperability : case of Kenya’s e-government(Strathmore University, 2014) Mulandi, Richard SillaA major challenge in E-government application developments for better service delivery is inadequate security features in e-government. This results in untrustworthy websites with stunted growth so that most e-government websites are confined to an informative goal as opposed to offering services. In addition, lack on interoperability within disparate information systems reduces efficiency and effectiveness of public service delivery. These two aspects determine the usability of e-government websites to deliver an online presence that offers end to end services. The purpose of the research was to propose a model that encompasses Service-oriented governance approach in the development of e-government applications using a case of Kenya’s e-government infrastructure. The research was conducted through literature reviews, surveys of the public and ICT government employees working in e-government service delivery initiatives, and observation of key government websites. The sample frame consisted of 36 respondents of which 16 worked in e-government as ICT administrators. The results from the survey identified that inadequate security and limited usability of online services as the source of low adoption rates by citizens and users. The results also indicated that lack of technology was not the issue but the poor implementation of technology and infrastructure requirements devoid of serious security integration. The results also indicated that there is a need for information as this was the most commonly used feature on the e-government websites. Consequently, the key research question in is how interoperability and security can improve usability. Therefore, a model was derived from the research findings which formed the basis of the requirements. The SUI Model was validated to prove that e-government implementations are compliant with underlying standard specifications and how interoperability can be ensured among different implementations beyond the technical approval mechanisms currently used. The infrastructure and security components attained a progression iteration rating of between 70-80% indicative of a successful implementation. The study recommended that the government of Kenya should adopt a SUI model to address cross-border issues of authentication. Additionally, for the SUI model to efficiently and optimally work the government also needs to improve Internet Infrastructure and update its data sharing policy together with their systems usability.
- ItemConverged network access solution for mass network connections : case of Last Mile Networks(Strathmore University, 2014) Makhaso, Byron ChesoliIn current network access, customer premises equipment (CPEs) connect to a single network option at a time, the CPEs operate based on established connections. Although telecommunication companies have designed and established various last mile networks, limitations of the access lines has been the major impediment to the end user. ISPs last mile infrastructure that is based on per user connectivity has proved to be very expensive and only minimal connections have been established, another major limitation is the creation of a single point of failure with no failover techniques to enhance availability of network resources. A critical key to support mass network connection is therefore a converged network access module. It is vital to build the access module as a fundamental resource in enabling mass network connectivity. Since a converged network access module will enable mass network connectivity, accurate methods for network access technology data collection must be used to help evaluate those measures that are already in place. This study explores kenya’s communication infrastructure and proposes a converged network access solution that would address kenya’s last mile network connectivity challenges, that traditionaly had hindered mass network connectivity, and denied millions of users access to networked/internet services. Converged network access invention relates to a multiservice platform which allows a plurality of CPEs accesing any services provided by a plurality of service providers which may utilize any of the plurality of telecommunication networks. For the purposes of this study and due to the difficulty of accessing relevant parties : ISPs and modifying platforms to meet the requirements of the proposed system, a mobile based application prototype is implemented on the android platform. The prototype captures information for connected established link only, further research is to be done to develop a complete system. In conclusion this paper examines the mix of technical, regulatory, and business strategy issues that arise if one contemplates implementing the converged network access solution.
- ItemAn m-education prototype for data collection : a case of Teachers Service Commission - Kenya(Strathmore University, 2014) Muthangya, Joshua MusyimiTechnology provides technical support to organizations by automating business processes in-turn enhancing productivity and service delivery. Management Information System (MIS) are one such technology whose integration with mobile phone technologies has aided business process optimization. The integration of mobile phone data collection applications with management information systems has enabled data driven decision making and bridging of information gaps by providing decisions makers, planners, managers and other stake holders with relevant, reliable, comprehensive, unambiguous and timely information, Data collection in government sponsored schools in Kenya through existing Education Management Information Systems is still largely paper based as data is collected through Data Return Forms similar to questionnaires and later keyed into systems for analysis and reporting. This process takes time and eventually creates an information gap within the Education sector. This research aimed at realizing the use of mobile phone applications to collect and present real time data on the actual state of respective government sponsored schools and learning institution in Kenya. It involved a review existing data collection techniques and open source mobile phone application frameworks that informed the development of the M-Education application prototype.
- ItemA framework for selecting a secure cloud service provider : a case study of Kenyan banks(Strathmore University, 2014-06) Njeru, Anthony MwanikiThe rate at which cloud services are being adopted by financial institutions in Kenya is increasing on daily basis despite, increased insecurity incidences associated with the cloud service, one of the major cause for this is lack of standards. Many banks in Kenya are faced with a challenge when deciding to move to cloud because there is no prudent guideline for selecting CSP which has resulted to loss of millions of money and reputation of institutions. Because of the above challenge, the researcher recommend a framework to guide the financial institutions in selecting an appropriate and secure cloud CSP in the midst of many unsecured providers. The research mainly focused on Kenyans banks and identified the following as the key variables; resource capacity, trust, availability, confidentiality, integrity and non-repudiation as indicated in chapter four of this report. Questionnaires, observation and interview were used for collection of raw data as indicated on chapter three for analysis, The research had a finite population of 15 clouds service providers selected based on availability and 40 users based on usability, hence all entities in the universe were identified through purposive sampling. Solutions to the existing security challenges in cloud services were proposed in the framework on chapter five based on analysis of the data collected and the information gathered from literature review. The proposed framework was used to make decision based on trust and the available solutions evaluated with the prevailing security challenges for their enhancement. To achieve this, first, the researcher used descriptive design to get the variables on a targeted population of 55 sample size then, critically reviewed each of the identified factors to see the relationship to be considered before finally developing the proposed framework. Data gathered reviewed that, the choice of CSP is an emerging determinant for success or failure of many banks moving to the cloud, hence various factors in selecting a trusted CSP were identified such as trust as indicated in the framework to get data from the registry of the framework based on previous feedback from the users and capacity. The proposed framework utilized data mining techniques from a third party mandated with the role of collecting such information from various CSP and disseminating this refined information to various financial institutions in Kenya at management level to help them make prudent decision on the CSP to host their data. Finally, the framework was validated by two banking institutions to check on its reliability. The evaluated results obtained confirmed that the developed framework was effective in selecting a secure and trusted CSP and pinpointed areas requiring further research and improvement such as factors of trust. Various suggestions and recommendations were given as indicated on chapter six by the evaluating teams to be incorporated in the final framework template. In addition, the researcher later discussed a scheme for a secured third party cloud services and how these users' rights can be protected technologically by adopting the framework.
- ItemAn information management tool for project monitoring : a case of humanitarian organizations(Strathmore University, 2014) Atieno, ImmaculateThe study aimed at solving the gap existing for improved monitoring and reporting processes due to lack of an ICT application, designed to depict the project implementation plan utilized in humanitarian organizations. This leads to less information captured on the project progress and thus future decisions are difficult to handle leading to minimal accountability risks and less transparency on project outcomes. The descriptive research methodology was used in tackling the problem identified which provided a means to statistically analyze the responses obtained and graphical representations of the data collection was carried out. A review of the project implementation and monitoring methodologies used was done, including an assessment of current architectures and ICT applications supporting monitoring of project activities and what features were lacking to improve the monitoring mechanisms. In view of this a conceptual framework for common approach of a web based information management application was designed and utilized to develop the prototype tool. The outcome of this study was thus a solution of a web-based information management tool for project monitoring. This brought about improved reporting and collaboration of project team members for better implementation and defined outcomes to improve decisions when it was implemented as a case study. Results of the study provided clear detailed information of this gap in project monitoring to allow users to collaborate and share project information for improved project outcomes and informed decision making especially during the project implementation period. Hence it is concluded that the prototype tool can be utilized in humanitarian organizations that would require improvement in their project monitoring and reporting mechanisms.