Community capacity development in universities : empowering communities through education management programmes in Strathmore University (a pilot study)

dc.contributor.authorKitawi, Alfred
dc.creatorKitawi, Alfred Kirigha
dc.dateMon, 2 Mar 2015
dc.dateMon, 2 Mar 2015 15:06:03
dc.dateMonth: 4 Year: 2014
dc.dateMon, 2 Mar 2015 15:06:03
dc.descriptionJournal article published in Contemporary Issues in Education Research (CIER)
dc.descriptionThis research examined the issue of community capacity development in a university. The main way communities were empowered was through the education management programmes offered at Strathmore University in Nairobi, Kenya. The research is among the first to examine the issue of community capacity development through university programmes. The research used Chaskin's (2001) framework to examine which issues of community capacity development emerged through the different action research projects students implemented within their communities. Content and map analysis was the analytical technique which was adopted. The outcome of the research was that there were some categories and relations similar to Chaskin's framework and others were different given the nature of students' action research projects. The study provides insights into how universities in developing countries can develop communities' capacities through higher education. A framework for community capacity development in the field of higher education management is proposed. The main categories were: fundamental characteristics of community capacity, social agencies, functions of community capacity, enablers, challenges, strategies, and outcomes.
dc.description.abstractThis research examined the issue of community capacity development in a university. The main way communities were empowered was through the education management programmes offered at Strathmore University in Nairobi, Kenya. The research is among the first to examine the issue of community capacity development through university programmes. The research used Chaskin's (2001) framework to examine which issues of community capacity development emerged through the different action research projects students implemented within their communities. Content and map analysis was the analytical technique which was adopted. The outcome of the research was that there were some categories and relations similar to Chaskin's framework and others were different given the nature of students' action research projects. The study provides insights into how universities in developing countries can develop communities' capacities through higher education. A framework for community capacity development in the field of higher education management is proposed. The main categories were: fundamental characteristics of community capacity, social agencies, functions of community capacity, enablers, challenges, strategies, and outcomes.
dc.formatIssue No.:2
dc.formatVolume Number:7
dc.formatPages:p. 75
dc.identifier.citationKitawi, Alfred Kirigha (2014). Community capacity development in universities : empowering communities through education management programmes in Strathmore University (a pilot study). Contemporary Issues in Education Research (CIER), 7(2), 75-94.
dc.publisherContemporary Issues in Education Research
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dc.subjectCommunity Capacity Development
dc.subjectStrathmore University
dc.titleCommunity capacity development in universities : empowering communities through education management programmes in Strathmore University (a pilot study)
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