Simulation of a smart security system: a case of Strathmore University

Njiru, John Njururi
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Strathmore University
The concept of human beings providing physical security to protect their valuables from threats is as old as mankind. In the past human beings protected their crops against destruction by wild animals and bird by building fences and erecting scarecrows as a primitive type of physical security in their gardens. Organizations and home owners use physical security to provide first line of defense and logical security to reinforce surveillance in order to protect their assets. The use of human guards has for a long time been the primitive way to protect the organizational assets. Attacks launched by terrorists and extremist groups are common in many parts of the world and result to massive destruction of properties and loss of life. Human guards sometimes work under very risky conditions where they stand between the enemies and the target. Guards are more often than not killed or injured in the line of duty by criminals who masquerade as genuine visitors or by suicide bombers while inspecting them hence organizations spends large amounts of money to compensate the victims. There is lack of smart security system in Strathmore University and therefore the study sought to understand the current security situation with an aim of simulating a smart security system for use as a base to develop a smart solution. The study analyzed the merit and demerit of the use of human security in comparison to the use of technology. The simulated system is hardware dependent to make it more secure against hacking. Model compound of the Strathmore University incorporated a system of sensors that simulated the Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) Cameras for surveillance. A screen console uses Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) for real-time reporting on activities in the premises. The main gates average opening time was 3.4 seconds against set time of 3.5 seconds implying a deviation of 0.1 second. Phase two main gate average response time was 2.53 seconds against the set 2.5 seconds implying 0.03 seconds delay. Sensors that simulate CCTV cameras surveillance recorded an average response time of 0.1342 second. RFID Card reader for the main gate recorded 20% false positives while phase 2 main gate was 15%. There were no false negatives. The system stores credentials for each person in a common database. An electronically controlled pop-up barrier provides second line of defense. The simulation process envisages facilitating the development of intelligent and robust systems that integrate physical and logical security agents through collaboration while in operation.
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements of the Degree of Masters of Science in Information Technology
smart security system, simulation, Strathmore University