Publication: Comparative performane analysis of a solar box cooker and improved charcoal stoves in Mozambique
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International Solar Energy Society
With exception of South Africa, where only 16% of the population depends on traditional biomass energy, almost 80% of the population in the sub-Saharan Africa depends on biomass resources for cooking and heating. The burning of traditional biomass in the so-called three stones stove puts pressure on biomass resources because of its inefficiency. Besides, fumes and soot are related to respiratory diseases that are the common cause for deaths among women and children in Africa. The shortage of fire wood makes women and girls to walk in search of fuel for cooking. Solar cooking is one of the possible solutions for this poignant problem. Yet another partial solution is the use of improved biomass stoves. This paper presents a comparative analysis of the performance of solar box cooker and improved charcoal stove in Mozambique, in its technical and economic aspects.
ISES Conference Proceedings (2014)
Nhabetse,T.M., Cuamba, B.C., Da Silva, I.P (2014). Comparative performane analysis of a solar box cooker and improved charcoal stoves in Mozambique, ISES Conference Proceedings, Aix-les-Bains France, p16-19