MBA Theses and Dissertations (2019)
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- ItemInfluence of insurance distribution channels on the financial performance of life insurance firms in Kenya(Strathmore University, 2019) Wanduto, Geraldine MwihakiThe financial performance of insurance funds has been of interest to researchers however, there has been inconclusive evidence on the effect of distribution channels on the financial performance of life insurance firms in Kenya. The current study sought to solve this problem. To achieve this, the study focused on four specific objectives: to determine the effect of independent agency distribution channels on the performance of life insurance firms in Kenya; to find out the effect of bank-led distribution channels on the performance of life insurance firms in Kenya; to establish the effect of electronic intermediaries on the performance of life insurance firms in Kenya; and to assess the effect of direct distribution channel on performance of life insurance firms in Kenya. The study was based on two theories: Dynamic Capabilities theory, and Dynamic Marketing Capabilities theory. The study adopted a descriptive research design. Descriptive research was used to depict the current circumstance. The target population of the study was the 13 life insurance companies based in Nairobi County. The study sought managerial perspectives on insurance distribution channels and the performance of life insurance using a questionnaire: limn the sampled insurance distribution channels. A five-point Likert 1 scale poll was utilized to collect primary data using a structured questionnaire. To ensure the validity and reliability of the research instrument, a pilot study was conducted using a random sample of 10 respondents across the 13 life insurance firms. The collected research data were analyzed using descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, and regression analysis. The results of the research were presented using bat graphs, charts, and tables. The research was able to obtain a 91% response rate. An analysis of the collected data indicated that the four channels; independent agency, batik-led, electronic channels, and direct distribution were positively related to both return on assets and return on equity of life insurance firms. The results of the research indicated that there was a positive effect of distribution channels on the financial performance of life insurance. The research concluded that the distribution channels were integral in determining the financial profitability of insurance firms. The study recommends that insurance fumes should expand their distribution channels to target a broader market segment. This can be achieved through better online presence, training and development of agents, enhanced alliance with banking institutions, and increased market presence of insurance firms. The results are expected to enhance policy, practice, and academic fields.
- ItemAn Assessment of employees' perception of factors influencing the performance of existing mergers and acquisitions in the aviation industry in Kenya(Strathmore University, 2019) Yakub, Ismail AnwaraliThe purpose of this study was to determine the employees' perception of the factors influencing the performance of existing Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) in the aviation industry in Kenya. The specific objectives that acted as a guide for this study included: investigating the influence of firm size on the performance of existing M&A in the aviation industry in Kenya, determining the influence of corporate culture on the performance of existing M&A in the aviation industry in Kenya, to establish the effects of legal and regulatory compliance on the performance of existing M&A in the aviation industry in Kenya, to find out the influence of management structure on performance of existing M&A in the aviation industry in Kenya. The descriptive survey research had a targeted population of 403 staff working in all 6 aviation firms. Thirty percent (30%) of the entire staff population of staff in the six firms was chosen using a stratified random sampling method. The sample size was therefore 121 possible respondents. The research instrument was a questionnaire which helped collect primary data. Data collected in this study analysed via quantitative and assembled to form the final findings and interpretations. Data gathered quantitatively from various close-ended questions will be classified into various groups and an analysis done. The SPSS program helped calculate the expected parameters. Descriptive statistics revolve around charts, graphs as well as the frequenq1 percentages utilized in measuring the central tendencies and reporting the data assembled from the findings extracted from the close-ended items. Above the inferential statistics like regression analysis, other forms of analysis such as ANOVA and correlation were used. The study concluded that; there was a rise in the number of various firm outlets in the recent past, the staff is aware that there are a series of product diversity potential consumers enjoy since the merger and/or acquisition, and the staff was aware of a series of associated benefits accruing from firm size, especially in the spread of risks and other related expenses. The shared norms as well as the beliefs in studied firms have helped them to stand at a good position in the aviation industry their organization has shared values and assumptions which are well a1ticulated in the strategic plan being implemented, and the management in their aviation firm is responsible to the harmonization of different types of cultures. It was noted that; the legal policies governing the operations of their firm are simple and understandable; the government's requirements on the level of adoption of legal policies are a serious hindrance towards the overall performance of this firm. Finally, the study noted that; there is an adequate management structure in place in the firms that articulates the operations of employees the management structure categorization is effective in defining each role of the staff in the M&A, the staff has experienced challenges associated with the division of roles/duties by top management in this organization.
- ItemEffect of change management on organizational performance of media companies in Kenya(Strathmore University, 2019) Kurgat, Fredrick KiruiThis study investigated the effect of change management on the organizational performance, of Kenyan media firms. Data was gathered from 100 employees of the top five media companies in Kenya; selected according to share of market, profitability, and audience size (Royal Media Group, Standard Group Limited, Nation Media Group, Mediamax Network Limited, and Radio Africa Group Limited. The research design adopted was quantitative design. The collection of primary data for the research was based on a survey questionnaire which was mainly administered via face-to-face interviews and a few via telephone interviewing. Analysis of data was done using SPSS in which regression analysis and descriptive analysis were computed. The study findings found that all four variables have a substantial influence on the performance of Kenyan media firms. However, organizational culture was found to have the least impact compared to the other variables. Furthermore, the study established that the hierarchy structure of the authority is stipulated in a manner that supports good supervisory and working relationships. The study further found that the leadership of media organizations is competent in their respective fields thereby endeavoring to promote creativity and innovation. It was also found that the media organizations have established strong values that guide employee performance and that team orientation towards the achievement of firm goals is encouraged. Some of the positive impacts that the study revealed was that the level of customer satisfaction has improved which was attributed to the gradual changes in technology and IT systems of media companies hence meeting the demand and test of customers. From organization structure analysis, the study concludes that media companies have a layout to which employees are subjected while delivering the needed human capital. The research was important in that it was used as a resource tool on the issue of change management and its effect on the performance of an organization by different stakeholders. There is no study specifically designed to study the impact of change management on media companies ' organizational performance in Kenya. The study recommends that media companies adopt change management dimensions in order to improve the performance of their organizations. The insights gained from this study will help develop and support available research on organizational performance and change management in the future.
- ItemThe Influence of agricultural information on smallholder potato farmer's production: a case study of Nyandarua County(Strathmore University, 2019) Mbugua, CarolineThere is a positive relationship between information and agricultural development which is an asset that the developed nations have capitalized on to occupy their coveted positions in food security because of information generation and delivery to their people. Assessing the flow of agricultural knowledge and information in ·the rural areas of Kenya is therefore important. The main objective of the study was to establish the influence of agricultural information on potato production with a special focus on smallholder potato farmers in Nyandarua County. Specific objectives were; to determine the sources of agricultural information, types of agricultural information, factors influencing access to information, and how they accessed information was utilized. This study adopted a descriptive research design. The study’s target population was 101,697 smallholder potato farmers in Nyandarua County. The study sample size was 150 smallholder potato farmers. A structured questionnaire was used for data collection. The data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23. Descriptive statistics including frequencies, means, and standard deviation were applied to analyze numerical data gathered using closed-ended questions. Regression analysis was used to determine the relationship between the study variables. The data was presented in the form of tables, figures, and pie charts. The study established that sources of information for farmers affect the uptake and perception of farmers in regard to their credibility. Factors like age, gender, and literacy levels influenced access .to information. The study concluded that the cost, budgetary constraints, farmers’ training of all kinds, infrastructure, and farmers' culture affected the effective usage of agricultural information to a great extent. The study recommends that household heads be financed and trained to acquire skills on internet access and usage, especially through the use of smartphones and computers for the information obtained may help them improve their farming skills which will at the same time be transferred to their relatives, neighbors, other farmers and farm managers employed or involved in day to day farming activities.
- ItemEffects of prepaid electricity metering system on customer satisfaction: a case of Nairobi County, Kenya(Strathmore University, 2019) Owiye, Evans David 0.Prepayment electricity metering has been embraced in Kenya since the year 2008 by the sole electricity distributor in the country, Kenya Power & Lighting Company Limited. Nairobi County accounts for 50 percent of electricity customers in Kenya. However, little information is available to ascertain the customer satisfaction levels regarding prepaid electricity service among customers in Nairobi County. This study explored the level of adoption of prepaid electricity meters. Further, the study evaluated perceived efficiency levels and benefits among prepaid electricity customers. The study adopted a cross-sectional research design. The target population was selected prepaid electricity consumers in Nairobi County. A quota sampling technique was used to select respondents drawn from the county. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data collected. The results showed that consumers prefer the use of prepaid electricity meters despite the fact that most of them are yet to apply for a prepaid metering connection. The majority of the respondents were of the view that prepaid meters have helped them in managing their electricity consumption. The study also found that electricity consumers are satisfied with the services by Kenya Power on queries related to the use of PPMs. The outcome of this study offers feedback to the KP on the need to connect more customers who require prepaid meters.