Information systems security management
Nyamongo, Doreen Moraa
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Strathmore University
Institutions of higher learning have a desire to supply knowledge to all those who seek
It. Currently Universities are finding that they have to balance between their initial
Goals and adoption of adequate measure to protect sensitive information about
Student, alumni, workers and their business partners. Applying Information security to
University IT systems is strategically important to maintaining overall business
Continuity and competitive edge. Given the fad that a university environment poses
Unique challenges related to diverse roles and the tendency of people viewing things
Differently, it is challenging to successfully implement information systems security
In such a setting. The diversification of views in/the university environment has led to
Increased demands from the users of the systems hence continuous review and
Improvements of this systems quality is required, It is necessary to have a high level
Of information systems security management in institutions of higher learning in
Kenya. :
This research undertook both quantitative and qualitative approaches of information
Security management in institutions of higher learning with the use of both primaries
And secondary data sources. A descriptive research design was employed with the use
Of questionnaires as principal data collection instrument. The questionnaire was
Distributed to all the individuals in the sample. The research was carried out at all
Private chartered universities in Kenya. The sample size was drawn from the lCT
directors and lCT staff of these universities. Collected data was analyzed using both
Quantitative and qualitative data analysis approaches, Data from the questionnaires
Was checked for completeness, coded and logged into the computer system using
Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). I
The study found out those institutions of higher/learning in Kenya is ready to adopt
And improve on their information systems security management by regularly updating
Management on security updates (64.5%) but ~hen having dedicated office dealing
With security issues (58.1 %) and a security practitioner being part of top management
(54.8%) will ensure that updates on security issues to top management are followed up
And worked on, staff training on ISSM (22.6 %[), Joint, involved and support of other
Departments (52.0%) will go a long way in improving the university's 18SM.
However viruses (58.1%), user errors (4~.4%), theft of computers (45.2%),
Compromising the system (45.1%) and system or software errors (38.7%) among
Others continue to be the major challenges affecting 18SM in institutions of higher
Learning. in
The study concludes that institutions of higher learning should rethink their ways of
Handling security of their most valued assets. Hence there is a need to highlight an
effective strategy that will help institutions of higher learning to achieve effective
information security management. .
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Information Technology at Strathmore University
Information Systems Security Management, Private Chatered Universities, Kenya