The Influence of brand equity on performance of companies listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange in Kenya
Nganga, E. W.
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Strathmore University
There are a number of challenges facing companies listed in Nairobi Securities Exchange in Kenya. In order for these companies to succeed in a competitive market, it is paramount that they develop a brand that will give them a unique identity. Brand equity is a key factor in enhancing the attraction and retention of customers which in turn enhance the performance of the company. With numerous studies showing brand equity enhances organizational performance, listed companies have continuously posted bad performance over the past five years. The main objective of this study was to establish the influence of brand equity on performance of listed companies at the Nairobi Securities Exchange in Kenya. The specific objectives were: to establish the influence of brand loyalty, brand awareness, brand associations, perceived quality and other proprietary brand assets on performance of listed companies at the Nairobi Securities Exchange in Kenya. The study was anchored on the Brand Equity and Balanced Score Card models. A descriptive research design was applied in conducting the study and population of study was all the listed companies at the NSE in Kenya. A total sample of 132 respondents was drawn from the 64 listed companies at the NSE in Kenya. Primary data was collected through a structured questionnaire which contained closed ended questions. The data collected was inspected for completeness and coded in Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 26 for analysis. Data collected was analysed using descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis. The study established that brand loyalty, brand association, brand awareness, perceived quality and other proprietary brand assets explains a significant variation in organizational performance. The study concluded that brand loyalty, brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality and other proprietary brand assets have a statistically significant effect on the organizational Performance of listed companies at the NSE. The study recommends for the adoption of strategies that enhance brand equity at the NSE to enhance performance of the companies. However, study is limited in scope as it focused on the Nairobi Securities Exchange in Kenya hence the insights and findings of the study is unique in the context of NSE listed companies as opposed to generalization of the base of understanding for the whole population of Companies in Kenya or across the world.
Full-text thesis
Nganga, E. W. (2023). The Influence of brand equity on performance of companies listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange in Kenya [Strathmore University].