E-land administration for citizen-centric services : case study of ministry of lands, Kenya
dc.contributor.advisor | Wekesa, Cyrus | |
dc.creator | Kyalo, Joseph M. | |
dc.date | 01/07/2013 | |
dc.date | Mon, 7 Jan 2013 | |
dc.date | Mon, 7 Jan 2013 13:28:13 | |
dc.date | Mon, 7 Jan 2013 13:28:13 | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2015-03-18T11:28:46Z | |
dc.date.available | 2015-03-18T11:28:46Z | |
dc.description | A thesis submitted to Strathmore University in partial fulfillment to the requirements of the award of Master of Science in Information Technology (MSIT). Full text thesis. | |
dc.description | In this digital era, citizens should enjoy the benefits of online, up-to date services from the government hence enabling fast delivery of goods and services. However the land information accessibility has been difficult and costly. This is caused the manual methods of storing and disseminating the land related information. The purpose of this study was to develop a framework that can be used to create electronic land administration to facilitate online access to land information in Kenya. The objectives were to assess the land related services provided to the citizens by the Ministry of Lands; to determine the level of automation in the ministry of Lands; to develop a framework that can be used to build an electronic land administration by the ministry of lands in Kenya and to validate the proposed framework for electronic land administration. The research came up with a proposed framework that can be implemented to improve land information dissemination to the citizens. A descriptive survey design was adopted utilizing both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The approach was aimed at getting the information that describes the land information accessibility to citizens. SPSS and Ms Excel applications were used to analyze the quantitative data. Qualitative data was analyzed using thematic method by grouping the information provided by the respondents into similar themes. In findings it can be noted that most of the participants (83.0%) stored the important documents including title deeds, allotment letters in hardcopies on shelves or cabinets. Also 91.3% of the officers fail to trace clients’ records when needed monthly. Majority of the clients (65.0%) stay for more than a day awaiting for their cases to be sorted out at the ministry’s offices. Some of the conclusions made from the findings of the study are the process searching land information can be quickened by centralizing the data or information and offering the information through the internet. This also reduces the chances of some files missing. There is need for regular departmental seminars and IT training. The research developed an effective electronic land administration that can be used to facilitate online access to land information in Kenya when implemented | |
dc.description.abstract | In this digital era, citizens should enjoy the benefits of online, up-to date services from the government hence enabling fast delivery of goods and services. However the land information accessibility has been difficult and costly. This is caused the manual methods of storing and disseminating the land related information. The purpose of this study was to develop a framework that can be used to create electronic land administration to facilitate online access to land information in Kenya. The objectives were to assess the land related services provided to the citizens by the Ministry of Lands; to determine the level of automation in the ministry of Lands; to develop a framework that can be used to build an electronic land administration by the ministry of lands in Kenya and to validate the proposed framework for electronic land administration. The research came up with a proposed framework that can be implemented to improve land information dissemination to the citizens. A descriptive survey design was adopted utilizing both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The approach was aimed at getting the information that describes the land information accessibility to citizens. SPSS and Ms Excel applications were used to analyze the quantitative data. Qualitative data was analyzed using thematic method by grouping the information provided by the respondents into similar themes. In findings it can be noted that most of the participants (83.0%) stored the important documents including title deeds, allotment letters in hardcopies on shelves or cabinets. Also 91.3% of the officers fail to trace clients’ records when needed monthly. Majority of the clients (65.0%) stay for more than a day awaiting for their cases to be sorted out at the ministry’s offices. Some of the conclusions made from the findings of the study are the process searching land information can be quickened by centralizing the data or information and offering the information through the internet. This also reduces the chances of some files missing. There is need for regular departmental seminars and IT training. The research developed an effective electronic land administration that can be used to facilitate online access to land information in Kenya when implemented. | |
dc.format | Number of Pages: xiii, 69 p. | |
dc.identifier | HD876.K93 2012 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://hdl.handle.net/11071/3394 | |
dc.language | eng | |
dc.rights | By agreeing with and accepting this license, I (the author(s), copyright owner or nominated agent) agree to the conditions, as stated below, for deposit of the item (referred to as .the Work.) in the digital repository maintained by Strathmore University, or any other repository authorized for use by Strathmore University. Non-exclusive Rights Rights granted to the digital repository through this agreement are entirely non-exclusive. I understand that depositing the Work in the repository does not affect my rights to publish the Work elsewhere, either in present or future versions. I agree that Strathmore University may electronically store, copy or translate the Work to any approved medium or format for the purpose of future preservation and accessibility. Strathmore University is not under any obligation to reproduce or display the Work in the same formats or resolutions in which it was originally deposited. SU Digital Repository I understand that work deposited in the digital repository will be accessible to a wide variety of people and institutions, including automated agents and search engines via the World Wide Web. I understand that once the Work is deposited, metadata may be incorporated into public access catalogues. I agree as follows: 1.That I am the author or have the authority of the author/s to make this agreement and do hereby give Strathmore University the right to make the Work available in the way described above. 2.That I have exercised reasonable care to ensure that the Work is original, and to the best of my knowledge, does not breach any laws including those relating to defamation, libel and copyright. 3.That I have, in instances where the intellectual property of other authors or copyright holders is included in the Work, gained explicit permission for the inclusion of that material in the Work, and in the electronic form of the Work as accessed through the open access digital repository, or that I have identified that material for which adequate permission has not been obtained and which will be inaccessible via the digital repository. 4.That Strathmore University does not hold any obligation to take legal action on behalf of the Depositor, or other rights holders, in the event of a breach of intellectual property rights, or any other right, in the material deposited. 5.That if, as a result of my having knowingly or recklessly given a false statement at points 1, 2 or 3 above, the University suffers loss, I will make good that loss and indemnify Strathmore University for all action, suits, proceedings, claims, demands and costs occasioned by the University in consequence of my false statement. | |
dc.subject | Land tenure--Kenya--Data processing | |
dc.subject | e-government--Kenya | |
dc.subject | e-land--Kenya | |
dc.subject | Land title--Data processing | |
dc.title | E-land administration for citizen-centric services : case study of ministry of lands, Kenya | |
dc.type | Thesis |