Factors influencing the participation of youth in agribusiness in Kiambu and Machakos Towns in Kenya
Mullu, L. M.
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Strathmore University
Despite the high levels of unemployment, the youth rarely exploit opportunities in the agribusiness sector due to preconceived misconceptions and negative perceptions of agriculture as a career choice. However, agriculture is a significant contributor to the country’s economic development and the participation of the youth in the sector would surely play a significant role in easing the income challenges faced by the youth. To this end, the research sought to examine the factors that influence the participation of the youth in agribusiness activities. Specifically, the examination focused on the effect of market factors, technological factors, government factors and socioeconomic factors on the participation of the youth in agribusiness. The theoretical scope of the research was limited to the Push-Pull Theory and the Theory of Planned Behavior, which are relevant to the study. The research adopted a descriptive research design. The population of the research was 1,289,820 youth members drawn from both Kiambu and Machakos Counties. The study adopted convenience random sampling in the selection of the research participants, who were determined using the Krejcie and Morgan table. A sample of 384 youth members was selected, and the participants were apportioned across the two counties. Data was collected through structured questionnaires with focus interviews conducted with key informants in the agribusiness field. Data analysis was done using the SPSS software. The research implemented descriptive and inferential statistics in the analysis. The research further applied content analysis to review the qualitative research data within the study objectives. The analyzed research data was presented through pie charts, tables and graphs. Out of the response being sought in the study, the research was able to garner a 97% response rate which was deemed adequate for quantitative analysis. Overall regression analysis revealed that market factors have no statistically significant effect on youth participation in agribusiness, technology factors have a positive and significant effect on youth participation in agribusiness, socioeconomic factors a positive and significant effect on youth participation in agribusiness, and demographic factors have a significant relationship with youth participation in agribusiness in Kiambu and Machakos town. Regression results were that there was no statistically significant effect of market factors have no significant effect on youth participation in agribusiness. Findings led to the conclusion that technology factors and socioeconomic factors have a statistically significant effect on youth participation in agribusiness. Further, the study found that demographic factors such as gender, employment status, age and level of income have insignificant impacts on youth’s participation in agribusiness. On the other hand, the size of the household and the academic achievement of the youth were determined to have significant influences on the likelihood of participating in agribusiness. The study findings provide evidence that the youth are highly enthusiastic and motivated to participate in agribusinesses and that under the right conditions, more youth will get involved in the country’s biggest income earner. The study further calls on the inclusion of agricultural programs in schools from an early age to ensure the citizenship recognizes agriculture as a viable business activity from a young age. Another recommendation is for increased marketing and financing of agribusiness as a vital component of the economy to increase its attractiveness to foreign investors who can bring in newer farming methods, technologies and expertise.
Key words: Market factors, technological factors, socioeconomic factors, Youth in agribusiness
Full- text thesis
Mullu, L. M. (2023). Factors influencing the participation of youth in agribusiness in Kiambu and Machakos Towns in Kenya [Strathmore University]. http://hdl.handle.net/11071/13400