Modelling healthcare financing in Kenya

Odero, Livingstone Sichonjo
Olukuru, John
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Strathmore University
This study involves modelling healthcare financing in Kenya. The 2001 Abuja Declaration that requires governments to allocate at least fifteen percent (15%) of their total budgets to health and the universal $60 health per capita target are used as benchmarks in this study. The proposed model that is used for modelling healthcare financing in Kenya is the Green Path Model (GPM). GPM consists of a six-staged path that involves identification of health financing gaps at both National and County level, issuing of a Social Impact Bond, SIB, and a conceptual shift to the Circular Economy, CE framework and refocusing on repayment of the social investors. At the final stage, the surplus amount generated from the Circular Economy’s green initiatives is channeled to the Green Fund – pool of funds in a Green Bank thus filling up the health financing deficits. This study found out that as at now, Kenya has neither allocated at least 15% of its total budget to health nor met the universal $60 health per capita target both at National and County Level.
Paper presented at the 4th Strathmore International Mathematics Conference (SIMC 2017), 19 - 23 June 2017, Strathmore University, Nairobi, Kenya.
Abuja declaration, Health per capita, Circular economy, Social Impact Bond (SIB), Green Bank