Determinants of a saving culture in unit trusts among the young adults in Nairobi County, Kenya

Musyoka, M. M.
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Strathmore University
This study seeks to establish determinants of the adoption of unit trusts for savings among young adults aged 18-24 in Nairobi County, Kenya. The specific objectives include: to determine the influence of financial literacy; parental socialisation, peer influence, and level of income, on the development of a savings culture in unit trusts among the young adults aged 18-24 in Nairobi County, Kenya. This study seeks to address a number of knowledge gaps. Firstly, there have been few studies carried out on the determinants a savings culture in unit trusts among the young adults in Kenya. Secondly, there are studies which have been conducted on credit products rather than on savings which has rendered their findings completely inappropriate for this study given the different circumstances surrounding credit products. Thirdly, there has been limited research on the factors that influence the uptake of unit trusts for savings. The study was underpinned by the Consumer Socialisation Theory. The study applied a descriptive correlational research design since it purposed to arrange and explain the various attributes of the study items. The target population of the study was all the 36 licensed trust funds in Kenya. This study used questionnaires for collecting data so as to enable the collection of more thorough inquiries and because it offered the convenience of accessing individuals who have busy schedules. This study applied a 5-point Likert Scale then the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) (version 20) was used to carry out descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. According to the results, the young adults have gained financial numeracy and financial knowledge which has improved their financial planning. As youth, they have trained in budgeting which has enhanced their debt management and boosted their ability to save. Their investment or savings practices reflect their level of financial literacy. The young adults have experienced challenges making enough revenue to save. They tend to have impulsive consumption behaviours, to alternate between brands, however, and are also knowledgeable about financial management. The study recommended that the Government needs to come up with funding initiatives for young adults so as to enable them acquire savings products such as unit trust funds. The managers of unit trust funds should come up with promotional strategies that reward individuals for referring others to acquire their products among the young adults since they tend to follow the recommendations of their peers. Given the dearth of local research on the adoption of unit trust funds in general, this study will set the tone for other local researchers and scholars to delve into this category of financial products so as to build on the body of knowledge. The study was limited by individuals who were unwilling to provide information; the 36 licensed unit trust funds, and the four determinants of adoption of unit trust savings. Key words: Financial Literacy; Level of Income; Parental Socialisation; Peer Influence; Saving Culture; Strategic Determinants; Unit Trusts; and Young Adults Aged 18-24.
Full - text thesis
Musyoka, M. M. (2024). Determinants of a saving culture in unit trusts among the young adults in Nairobi County, Kenya [Strathmore University].