Factors affecting talent management at nation media group

dc.contributor.authorWangethi, Mwangi
dc.descriptionPartial fulfillment for award of Master of Business Administrationen_US
dc.description.abstractThe most critical asset of any organization is its human capital. Inevitably, therefore, organizations are continually investing in talent management, which Capelli (2009) describes as ‘the process though which employers ... anticipate their human capital needs and set about meeting them’, or simply, ‘the basic people management in organizations. This research sought to explore talent management in its various facets at the Nation Media Group (NMG), Kenya’s and Eastern Africa’s largest and most influential media organization. By extrapolation, the study sought to establish the causes of talent migration from the media industry to other sectors in Kenya. The research involved the evaluation of NMG’s human resources practices and how they may be contributing to staff turnover. The research applied an exploratory design. Primary data was collected through questionnaires and interview guides, targeting a study sample of 98 current and former employees from a population of 980. Additional data collected through an oral interview with the Human Resources Director. Descriptive statistics, namely, frequency tallies and their corresponding percentage scores and Pearson correlation coefficients, were used to analyze the data, suing statistical package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Qualitative analysis involved grouping interview notes into common themes, otherwise known as content analysis. The findings are represented using tables and charts. The study found out that the success of NMG’s talent management and, by extension its ability to attract and retain high performers, was influenced primarily by its rewards schemes, the physical working environment, the organizational culture. The quality of leadership and job security were found to have little, if an, significant influence. The study makes several recommendations. Key among these is the critical need for NMG to invest more time and energy to understand employees’ expectations, needs and wants, and to establish a partnership with to identify and implement the right mix of solutions.en_US
dc.identifier.citationHF5549.5.M3W36 2009en_US
dc.publisherStrathmore Universityen_US
dc.subjectTalent -- Talent Managementen_US
dc.subjectAttraction -- retentionen_US
dc.titleFactors affecting talent management at nation media groupen_US