Analysis of the effectiveness of utilization of health information technologies in COVID-19 management in Kenya

Ljukunye, A. L.
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Strathmore University
Locally, the country has struggled to manage the COVID-19 pandemic due to the weak healthcare systems and the limited number of specialized health facilities. Further, insufficient testing capacity and public sensitization have resulted in the increasing spread of infections in the country. However, evidence from developed countries has shown that extensive application of health information technologies has been critical in the management of COVID-19 pandemic. There has minimal investigation of how these health information technologies were adopted in the country over the last two years of the pandemic. And more so, if they had an influence on COVID-19 management. The current research sought to fill this gap and establish how health information technologies; health information exchange, electronic surveillance and digital connectivity influenced COVID-19 management. The research was informed by the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology. A positivism study philosophy was used in the survey with a descriptive research approach being considered. The study population was the health facilities in the country that utilized health information technologies since the pandemic began in the country. The study applied purposive sampling to target 86 senior hospital personnel drawn from Kenyatta National Hospital, Ministry of Health, ICT Authority Kenya, County Referral Hospitals, Private Referral Hospitals (Nairobi), and Research Institutions (KEMRI & KHF). This was followed by stratified sampling for Kenyatta National Hospital. The study applied a structured questionnaire in the data collection. The collected study data was analysed using statistics such as frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviation, correlation coefficient and regression tests. The analysed data was presented using figures, charts and tables. Correlation tests established that the independent variables; adoption of health information exchange, adoption of electronic surveillance and digital connectivity had a positive relation with COVID-19 Management in Kenya. The regression findings revealed that 52.2% of the variations in COVID-19 management in the country are determined by the adoption of health information technologies in the health sector in Kenya. The analysis conclusions were that the three independent variables have been employed in Kenya and have improved their ability to effectively manage the COVID-19 pandemic. Healthcare centres used health information exchange technologies, electronic surveillance technologies and digital connectivity in reducing the spread of the corona virus. The study recommends that regular staff training be carried out to make them capable of utilizing new technologies and improvising existing ones to serve current needs. The study recommends that data security and surveillance laws be regularly updated to address the loopholes that emerge when new technologies are introduced. The study also recommends better legislation around cyber security to ensure protection of user data and guide on best practices to protect patient data.
Full- text thesis
Ljukunye, A. L. (2023). Analysis of the effectiveness of utilization of health information technologies in COVID-19 management in Kenya [Strathmore University].