Charitable social commitment with reference to a Catholic Parish in Kenya

Anselme, S. B. N.
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Strathmore University
Many charitable social activities are taking place in many parishes in the world. In South B parish we see that many Christians are committed in the charitable social activities of the parish. But few Christians are not involved in those activities. This study took into consideration the reasons for the lack of commitment of those 20% of Catholic Christians of South B parish situated in the Archdiocese of Nairobi, Kenya. The aim is to see that all the Christians are 100% committed to the charitable social activities in order to live fully their faith. Praying alone is not enough to be a good Christian. According to the Church teaching, a good Christian is the person who lives fully the spiritual and the charitable dimensions of faith. South B Catholic parish is composed of the main parish Church named Our Lady Queen of Peace and of an outstation called St. Margret. The theory of the social teaching of the Catholic Church which is found in the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church was used as theoretical framework. According to the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church, it is compulsory for all Christians to be charitable and to be committed to the social activities of the Church. The mixed method was used in helping to cover well the dynamism of the study. The quantitative method was used to send questionnaire to the respondents through google form. The respondents ticked in the answers which they judged to be the right ones. The qualitative method was used in conducting the group discussions where the respondents were free to express themselves on the different questions presented to them. The questionnaire and the group discussions were conducted in direct link with the research objectives and the theory of the Social Doctrine of the Church. It was found out that many Christians are committed to the charitable social activities of the parish because of the social doctrine of the Church on the common good and the dignity of all human beings, faith requirements, social and humanitarian orientations, their family and education background. We found out that other Christians are not committed to the charitable social activities of the parish because of their financial situation, indifference, lack of consultation from the Church leaders, lack of solidarity, selfishness and the poor understanding of the Church teaching. Though many charitable social activities which deal with the immediate needs of the poor and the needy were identified as appealing for the commitment of many Christians, many Christians believe that the long term charitable social activities are the most appealing in the sense that those activities lead the poor and the needy to be self-reliant and, therefore, capable to take care of themselves and other people.
Full - text thesis
Anselme, S. B. N. (2023). Charitable social commitment with reference to a Catholic Parish in Kenya [Strathmore University].