Impact of mobile loan credit during the covid-19 pandemic in Kenya
Oduor, Sandra Odera
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Strathmore University
This study sought to investigate the impact of mobile loan credit during the Covid-19 Pandemic
in Kenya. The specific objectives included investigating factors fuelling mobile loan uptake
during the pandemic and investigating the effects of the pandemic on loan repayment. A total
of 352 participants from Buruburu were randomly selected to form the sample of the study.
The response rate was 100% with majority of respondents falling in the age groups of 30 and
below (53.41 %). A descriptive cross-sectional research design was adopted. The data was
collected by using pretested, structured interview based questionnaires and analysed using
SPSS version 20. The study established that employment amongst the youths is still a problem
as the youths were the most borrowers with a percentage of more than 53.41%. The COVID
19 pandemic has made more Kenyans to borrow mobile loans as 42.90% of the respondents
had never borrowed before the pandemic. This study recommends that the government should
create more employment opportunities for the youths by investing in and promoting Jua Kali
sector. This will reduce the dependence rate on mobile loans amongst the youths and negative
CRB listing.
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Actuarial Science at Strathmore University