Goods in a transit tracking system
Kelly, Bertille Ineza
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Strathmore University
Transportation is essential in a person's life. In this area, road transport is the most used way to go to work, pray, have fun, etc it is essential. This transport has been developed to become an industry, especially by long transport which is done from region to region or from country to country. It is important because it ensures the economic development that many countries seek. Unfortunately, the long-distance transportation industry faces certain problems that are holding back its peak. This transport is provided by trucks traveling long distances. It is often the owners of these trucks and also the companies providing this transport who encounter problems with the drivers such as time lost on the road, not knowing where and when the truck will arrive, the maintenance costs of the trucks following a bad driver behaviour that the owner would like to know, etc .This project is to develop a system to reassure the owners of these trucks who encounter these problems, ensure a better future for drivers, and thereby develop the long-distance transport industry. This project indicates the methodology to take to develop this system and the reasons which lead to choose it.
An Information system project 2 proposal submitted to the School of Computing and Engineering Science in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Bachelor’s Degree in Business Information Technology of Strathmore University
Transit, Tracking system, Goods in transit