The Dynamics of private security provisioning in homeland security in Kenya
Mauti, Jared Nyakambi
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Strathmore University
Using Robert Dahl’s Pluralism theory, this study responds to three questions; how does proliferation of private security entities and consequent relational dynamics affect homeland security provisioning in Kenya? What are the legal implications inherent in this proliferation? How should the regulatory design and framework of private security provisioning fit into the realm of homeland security architecture? It sets out three objectives; examine and analyze the impact of proliferation of private security entities on security provisioning in Kenya, examine and analyze existing policy and legal frameworks and its implications in private security provisioning, and proffer research-based regulatory framework for private security entities in homeland security architecture. The study uses a qualitative approach to data collection and analysis. Using a combination of both primary data, through questionnaires and interview schedules, and secondary data involving content analysis of various publications, the study contends that the crisis of security provisioning is a function of uncoordinated proliferation of private security providers exacerbated by unresolved gaps and weaknesses underpinning the regulatory framework. The study therefore recommends for the development of a written National Security Policy to coordinate and anchor security provisioning Policies and resultant legal frameworks to operationalize private security provisioning in Kenya.
A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Award of the Master of Arts Degree in Diplomacy, Intelligence and Security at Strathmore University, Kenya
Private security, Homeland security_Kenya, Regulatory design