Influence of teacher competence on development of English language skills among learners in public ECDE Centres, Isiolo Sub-County
Versity, B.
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Strathmore University
Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) has been recognized as a holistic and integrated education that meets a child’s cognitive, socio moral, spiritual, emotional, physical, and developmental needs. The current study was triggered by the poor literacy skills indicated by underperformance in English language skills among the ECDE learners in Isiolo County. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of teacher competence on the English language skills development among preschoolers in public ECDE centers in Isiolo Sub-County. The study scope was on teacher training, teacher professional development and teacher use of instructional methodology in class. The study was guided by Krashen’s Theory and Monitor Model for Language Acquisition. Descriptive survey design was then used as the research design for the study. The study targeted all registered public ECDE centers in the Sub- County whose enrollment is 12,135 in the 28 centers. The sample size included 118 stakeholders comprising of the following categories the head teachers, the teachers, the managerial part of CSOs and QASOs. Then, from each category, simple random sampling design was used to select sampling units. Thus, the researcher selected 28 public ECDE centres (representing 30% of population) using simple random design. Questionnaires and interview schedules were used in collecting data for the study. The questionnaires were administered to all the head teachers and teachers of the sampled centers while interview schedules were used to collect data from the County Quality Assurance and Standards Officer. Participant observation was used to collect data from the preschoolers’ interactions. The researcher consulted with the supervisor who validated and helped enhance the value and the contents of the research instruments. Piloting of the research instruments was also conducted prior to the actual data collection to determine the reliability of the tools using test-re-test method and Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient. The quantitative data collected was processed and analyzed using descriptive statistics with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Statistics (SPSS). Data was presented in form of frequency distribution tables and graphs. Qualitative data was analyzed thematically with quotations and verbatim presentations. The study found that teacher recruitment and qualifications influence effectiveness in English language skills development among preschoolers. The elements of in-service training, professional courses were key in professional development. The study showed that class educational methodologies influence effectiveness in English language skills development in ECDE centres in Isiolo county. The study limitations were related to logistics in covering the study area as most of the ECDE centres are hardly accessible. However, the study was successfully undertaken, and attributed to earlier logistical planning and effective pilot study.
Full- text thesis
Versity, B. (2023). Influence of teacher competence on development of English language skills among learners in public ECDE Centres, Isiolo Sub-County [Strathmore University].