Burial disputes in Kenya: are alternative forms of dispute resolution an option for resolving burial disputes in Kenya?

Kiprop, Karen Jepkemboi
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Strathmore University
Burial disputes in Kenya have been with us since time immemorial. This study investigated whether alternative forms of dispute resolution are an option for resolving burial disputes in Kenya. In addition, the study also analyses the role of the Constitution of Kenya on burial disputes in Kenya. The scope of the study is burial disputes in Kenya and particular reference is given to cases from the year 2010. The research methodology includes a google survey that was carried out to collect data on the writing of wills in Kenya.
This study seeks to analyze whether burial disputes can be resolved through alternative dispute resolution mechanisms. The study establishes that there is no legislation that governs burial disputes in Kenya. The background of the study gives the context of burial disputes in Kenya. It entails the customary context of burial disputes in Kenya. In addition to this will also be a literature review section which will give a brief overview of what other authors have concluded on similar research done related to the study.