Gender ideology proposals and its consequences

dc.creatorMiranda, Martha Dr.
dc.dateWed, 12 Jun 2013
dc.dateWed, 12 Jun 2013 19:34:18
dc.dateWed, 12 Jun 2013 19:34:18
dc.description9TH Annual ethics conference. Theme : Bioethics medical, legal, environmental and cultural aspects in healthcare ethics at STRATHMORE UNIVERSITY, 25-26 OCTOBER 2012.
dc.descriptionFor more than a decade the evolution of the notion of the term “gender” has grown in importance, both in intellectual debate and in the realm of praxis. Initially,the expression “gender” was used within the field of grammar in order to distinguish masculine, feminine or neuter words. However, from the beginning of the second half of the 20th century, this word has undergone a conceptual change due to its increased use in other areas and, in particular, for having substituted the classical term “sex”,employed in order to designate the human sexual duality, man-woman. In this context,it can be affirmed that gender has displaced sex in contemporary anthropological,social, political and legal discourse. In addition, it has found a definitive place in academic language and in legislation. Although the word gender by itself doesn’t have a positive or negative way to be understood, the problem is its interpretation. Today one of the leading interpretations is called “gender ideology”.
dc.description.abstractFor more than a decade the evolution of the notion of the term “gender” has grown in importance, both in intellectual debate and in the realm of praxis. Initially,the expression “gender” was used within the field of grammar in order to distinguish masculine, feminine or neuter words. However, from the beginning of the second half of the 20th century, this word has undergone a conceptual change due to its increased use in other areas and, in particular, for having substituted the classical term “sex”,employed in order to designate the human sexual duality, man-woman. In this context,it can be affirmed that gender has displaced sex in contemporary anthropological,social, political and legal discourse. In addition, it has found a definitive place in academic language and in legislation. Although the word gender by itself doesn’t have a positive or negative way to be understood, the problem is its interpretation. Today one of the leading interpretations is called “gender ideology”.
dc.formatNumber of Pages:10p.
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dc.subjectGender ideology
dc.subjectsexual identity.
dc.titleGender ideology proposals and its consequences
dc.typeConference Paper
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