Influence of human resource information system practices on talent acquisition in commercial banks in Kenya
Karuga, Tabitha Wangari
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Strathmore University
With the advent of the 21st century came the ever increasing effect of globalisation and technology. Therefore a tremendous surge in the implementation of new technology, this has led to organizations amplifying the use of information systems in various functions and departments for organizational competitive advantage and success. Even though human resource information system (HRIS) propels this technology rush, little information exists on effect of HRIS practices on talent acquisition in Commercial Banks in Kenya.
To get a clear understanding of the influence of human resource information system practices on talent acquisition, this study assessed the level of the human resource information system practices like electronic recruitment, electronic selection and electronic training and development to determine the underlying assumption of this research study within the 42 Commercial banks in Kenya. Diffusion of innovation theory and human capital theory has been used as the main focus in the theoretical framework.
The main gap within the Commercial banks is the consequence of recruiting individuals with wrong skills as there has been an increase in competition among the banks. The study used a descriptive survey method which employed a quantitative approach. The target population for the study were the human resource managers who are responsible for recruitment and selection within the firm. Questionnaires were used to collect the quantitative data. A total of 210 self-explanatory questionnaires were administered.
Data collected was analysed by use of statistical software for data analysis namely, MS-Excel and Statistical Package and Social Science (SPSS). The findings of the study showed that electronic recruitment, electronic selection, and electronic training and development, were significant in explaining talent acquisition. The findings generated from the study should provide human resource team with an understanding of the relationship between human resource information system practices and talent acquisition in Commercial banks in Kenya and give them insights on which practices they should concentrate on in order to acquire more talent. This study recommends that banks should endeavour to use human resource information system practices in order to attract talent. It can also be a tool for identification of highly potential employees and directing them to areas of their working interest.
A Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Master of Commerce at Strathmore University
Human resource information system, Talent acquisition, Commercial banks_Kenya