Freedom of expression in the music industry: Do the limitations make it non -existent?

Macharia, Mercy Gathoni
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Strathmore University
The music industry is one of the most dominant industries with a lot of individuals involved. The freedom of expression is fundamental to the proper and effectively. Musicians have used their platforms and crafts to speak on political and social injustices in the country. Most of them have found themselves in the wrath of the law for releasing political oriented songs. This paper intends to investigate the relevance of freedom in the industry. It will also look at the limitations of politically oriented free expression. It will look into the umbrella of legislation and institutional framework accorded to the musicians for protection and the law as the basis of the suits against musicians. I will examine the laws and institutions available and check if they are sufficient. I will also check the constitutionality of the laws that are used to charge these people. Among my findings the major one was that there was no specific legislation or institution that protects the musicians against arrest because of politically oriented free expression. I recommend a revision of the legislation to offer more protection to the musicians
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the Bachelor of Laws Degree, Strathmore University Law School