Access to healthcare among marginalized Kenyan communities: A Case study of the People of Turkana County, Republic of Kenya

Nyambura, Mburu Ivy
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Strathmore University
Over time during the ensuing years of the late 20th century, Kenyans came to view the Kenya Constitution of 1963, under which Kenya gained independence from British rule in December 1963, as inadequate and in need of Reform. The Kenya Constitution 2010 is the result of this general dissatisfaction with the original 1963 Constitution. The new Kenya Constitution was promulgated on the 27th August 2010 after a long period of review, discussion and drafting that lasted close to 20 years. The new Constitution is said to be a great improvement towards development of a developing country in Kenya, since it was able to identify and address critical issues at the hearts of the people and provided practical ways of reforming governance at the subnational level of the country. This 2010 Kenya Constitution provides for the principle of sovereignty of the people and creates 47 counties, each with their own subnational governments1 as outlined in the First Schedule. The Country was divided into 47 counties, 2 each headed by a county government, thereby abolishing the provincial, district and local government administrations that had been in force since independence
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the Bachelor of Laws Degree, Strathmore University Law School
healthcare, Marginalized, Kenyan, Turkana County