Anthropology for Rebels (A different way of doing philosophical anthropology)
Branya, John
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Strathmore University Press, Nairobi
Anthropology for Rebels is a highly recommended book for those interested in discovering what our person is and how it has been understood over the centuries. The title reflects the underlining attitude of the author, of not accepting any approach that reduces the human person to something inferior to its total splendor. This attitude contrasts with the common points of view one may find in pseudo–scientific and popular articles that try to reduce the human excellence to the method used to study rocks, plants, animals or numbers. The method to study the person should be above the normal use of the abstractive intelligence, or the intelligence limited to reason. There is a higher level of knowledge to the discursive knowledge, which some authors call intuitive knowledge and that Professor Sellés calls habitual knowledge. The book gives also profound insights on human affections, education, ethics and politics as part and parcel of the world created by the person. Another added advantage of this book is to be a good introduction to the Philosophical Anthropology initiated by the Spanish Philosopher Leonardo Polo and the understanding of the four personal transcendental, which give a deeper vision of the social nature of man, its radical freedom, a new view of the acting intelligence of Aristotle and a profound view of personal love.
Philosophical Anthropology, Knowledge, Rebels, Materias Investigacion