Application of an algorithm in a job application portal to improve the recruitment process

Nyaata, Teresa Kwamboka
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Strathmore University
Talent sourcing and recruitment of new employees to an organization is a critical task and should be carried out with precision and good judgement. Employees contribute to the growth and success of an organization. Recruitment officers are faced with a task to get the right people for the job. The current economic status of the country has rendered many people jobless and as result there is a high application rate to few vacant slots. Most of the organizations are not able to offer jobs to the increasing number of unemployed persons. This makes the recruitment process harder since most of the applicants who apply lack the needed skill set to perform and the recruitment officers must go through several resumes before the shortlisting of candidates. A delay in the recruitment process leads to delay or no feedback to the applicants. The system was developed to include a shortlisting algorithm in the application process. The recruitment process is seen as a tedious task due to the high number of job applicants who apply for a job. During job application the system limits the number of applicants by selecting few who meet the category in terms of expertise. The system applies an algorithm in an online job application portal to improve the recruitment process. This way the recruitment process will be easier and faster, thus ensuring efficient communication to the applicants on their success or failure. The system uses Rapid Application Development methodology which ensures that the final product fits the user requirements.
An Information system project 2 proposal submitted to the School of Computing and Engineering Science in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Bachelor’s Degree in Business Information Technology of Strathmore University
Job application portal, Recruitment process, Algorithm