Influence of combination strategies on organizational performance of Deposit Taking SACCOs in Kenya
Mjambili, M. F.
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Strathmore University
Deposit taking Saccos have an essential role in the financial sector in Kenya’s economy. Generally, deposit taking Saccos have registered increased performance. However, several Saccos have not been performing well forcing SASRA to take drastic action to protect member deposits. The study sought to determine the influence of combination strategies on organizational performance of deposit taking Saccos in Kenya. The study was guided by the following objectives: to determine effect of financing strategy on organizational performance of deposit taking Saccos in Kenya, to determine effect of relationship marketing strategy on organizational performance of deposit taking Saccos in Kenya, to determine effect of innovation strategy on organizational performance of deposit taking Saccos in Kenya, to determine effect of human resource focus strategy on organizational performance of deposit taking Saccos in Kenya. Resource-based view and diffusion of innovation theories anchored this research. The study adopted a descriptive cross-sectional design. The study comprised of 176 deposits taking SACCOs in Kenya that formed the unit of analysis with operations managers forming the unit of inquiry. After selecting 132 operations managers at random using a simple random selection approach, the research's sample size was determined using the Yamane formula. A structured questionnaire was used to gather primary data. Content and construct validity, together with reliability as measured by Cronbach's alpha, were investigated throughout the piloting phase to establish validity. Statistical methods for both descriptive and inferential analysis were used to examine numerical data. Mean, percentage, standard deviation, and frequency were all part of the descriptive analysis, whilst correlation, linear and multiple regression were part of the inferential analysis. Visual representations of the data included tables, charts, figures, and models. The strategies account for 66.4% significant variance in organizational performance of DTSs (R square =.664, P=0.000) implying that 33.6% of the variance in organizational performance of DTSs is accounted for by other variables not captured in this model. The study recommended that implementing robust monitoring and evaluation frameworks is crucial for assessing the effectiveness of combination strategies. Sacco managers should establish key performance indicators aligned with strategic objectives and regularly evaluate the impact of implemented strategies. This iterative process allows for adjustments and refinements based on real-time feedback and evolving market conditions. Further studies should focus on other combination strategies such as growth and expansion strategies.
Full - text thesis
Mjambili, M. F. (2024). Influence of combination strategies on organizational performance of Deposit Taking SACCOs in Kenya [Strathmore University].