Investigating applicability of Near Field Communication technology in Kenya
Mulevu, Cornelius M.
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Mobile phones have become ubiquitous companions in our life,
enabling communication nearly always and everywhere.
Additionally they facilitate information access to mobile services
and the internet. Besides these communication functions, they have
become multimedia computing platforms, thus mobile phones are
emerging with technologies like Near Field Communication
technology (NFC) which is a two-way communication technology
based on Radio Frequency identification (RFID). The NFC
equipped phone (NFC phone) that embeds the NFC technology
into cellular phone has earned increasing attention in business,
such as payment and ticketing.
Mobile payments are likely to emerge as the way to pay for most
all goods and services, eliminating the dependence upon carrying
credit and debit cards, checks and cash. An upward progression
mobile payments in mature economies towards online purchases is
Today, SMS is the dominant medium for conducting mobile phone
transactions; however, the mobile payment market is seen to use
both remote mobile payments like sms and proximity mobile
payments (NFC).
Mobile purchases have taken place using a variety of contactless
devices like NFC-enabled mobile phone. Similar to a magnetic
card payment, the user simply enters a short personal security code
(personal identification number, PIN), and then touches their
phone to the terminal for confirmation. This provides an essential
higher-level of security compared to credit cards or other payment
methods that typically reside in a physical wallet.
This research presents a model for Adopting NFC-Based mobile
phone payment system in Kenya. It will seek to provide solution to
the challenges currently faced by magnetic card based payment
system. The model characterizes the issues and technologies
involved in NFC based payment, and proposes an ideal adoption
model for the Kenyan mobile phone payment environment.
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of Masters of Science in
Information Technology (MSc.IT)
Near Field Communication, Technology, Kenya, Mobile phone payment system
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the Requirements for the degree of Masters of Science in Information Technology (MSc.IT)