Internal factors influencing internationalization of export processing zone’ Small and Medium Enterprises in Kenya

dc.contributor.authorKipchirchir, C.
dc.descriptionFull -text thesis
dc.description.abstractInternationalization of SMEs is now widely acknowledged as a key economic factor in any country’s national economic development. It is in this vein that SMEs in Kenya have resorted to internationalizing to find opportunities for expansion and development. Therefore, this research determined the internal factors influencing the internationalization of EPZ SMEs in Kenya. The specific objectives included assessing the influence of network resources on the internationalization of EPZ SMEs in Kenya; examining the influence of financial resources on the internationalization of EPZ SMEs in Kenya; analyzing the influence of human resources on the internationalization of EPZ SMEs in Kenya; and to assess the joint effects of network, financial, and human resources on the internationalization of EPZ SMEs in Kenya. The study used internationalization and network theories. The study used a cross-sectional descriptive survey research design. Further, this study was also premised on positivist research philosophy. The target population was all the 153 SMEs registered with EPZ. Further, data was collected using a self administered closed-ended questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, correlations, and regression analysis were used as data analysis methods. The study found that network resources, financial resources, and human resources had a positive significant relationship with the internationalization of EPZ SMEs in Kenya. Regarding network resources, the research concluded that firms had competitive strategies and adopted modern technology that gave them a competitive edge against rivals thus promoting sales of products and services into the global market. On financial resources, it concludes that possession of adequate financial resources because of multiple funding sources promoted the internationalization of business. Concerning human resources, the study concluded that the SMEs had adequate human resources with experience in internationalization. However, the firms did not provide regular training and education including workshops and seminars to employees to sharpen their skills and knowledge. The research recommends that all EPZ SMEs should improve their human resource department policies on employee personal development through regular on-the-job training and education. The study recommends that the SMEs should seek multiple financial support from various sources. By having multiple financial sources, they will be able to enhance their penetration into the global markets. Key words: Internationalization, Network Resources, Financial, Human Resources
dc.identifier.citationKipchirchir, C. (2024). Internal factors influencing internationalization of export processing zone’ Small and Medium Enterprises in Kenya [Strathmore University].
dc.publisherStrathmore University
dc.titleInternal factors influencing internationalization of export processing zone’ Small and Medium Enterprises in Kenya
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