Servant leader attributes and sales performance: a study of new heavy commercial truck sales in Nairobi

Abdi, Leila
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Strathmore University
Numerous studies have shown that sales leadership can affect sales performance both directly and indirectly. However, the dearth of research on servant leadership attributes and sales performance despite its relevance both in theory and practice was the key motivating factor for the study. Furthermore, the paucity of studies within Sub-Saharan Africa was a factor in opting for Nairobi as the locus of the study. The crucial impact of the heavy commercial vehicle industry was the deciding factor on opting for that industry as a target of study. This study sought to study the impact of the servant leader attributes of empowerment, humility and trust on sales performance within the context of heavy commercial vehicle sales in Nairobi. The objectives of this study were to determine the influence of the servant leader attribute of empowerment on performance of sales people within the context of heavy commercial vehicle sales in Nairobi, to determine the influence of the servant leader attribute of humility on performance of sales people within the context of heavy commercial vehicle sales in Nairobi and to determine the influence of the servant leader attribute of trust on performance of sales people within the context of heavy commercial vehicle sales in Nairobi. The study was anchored on the theories of social exchange and social learning. Data was collected from sales people who work for companies that sell heavy commercial vehicles in Nairobi by use of questionnaires. Out of the targeted eighty seven respondents, fifty four responded. The data was then analyzed through descriptive methods and inferential statistics employed for further analysis. There was significant relationship between empowerment and sales performance of new heavy commercial trucks in Nairobi County. The study also revealed that there was a significant relationship between humility and sale performance of new heavy commercial truck. The study established that there was a stronger relationship between trust and sales performance compared to the constructs of empowerment and humility. Thus, this study will broaden the body of knowledge of servant leadership attributes specifically the attributes of empowerment, humility and trust and how they impact sales performance of heavy commercial vehicles within the sub-Saharan context taking Nairobi as the locus of this study. The study recommends that further research be conducted on more attributes of servant leadership and their impact on sales performance. Further studies on what motivates salespersons within the heavy commercial industry not just in Nairobi County but within other counties and countries in sub-Saharan Africa is recommended. Finally, this study also recommends that research be done on the effect of servant leadership attributes on other performance metrics such as financial performance.
A Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment for the award of a Master of Commerce Degree at Strathmore University
Servant leader attributes, Sales performance, Heavy commercial truck sales_Nairobi