Transactional data tracking and analytics tool: case of coffee farming in Kenya
Kinyua, John Kiria Muguteh
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Strathmore University
Reliable agriculture data has become key in enhancing farmer confidence particularly in the production supply chain. In the coffee supply chain, the collection and management of transactional data across the coffee supply chain is critical since the farmers are not directly involved in various sections of the supply chain. Challenges associated with data manipulation and corrupting of the data resulting into payment of non-deserving farmers have led to mistrust and hence declining in coffee farming in the country. This study focused on the development of a Data Aggregation and Tracking Tool that can help farmers monitor the transactional data in the coffee supply chain. To develop the proposed tool, an investigation on the processes and actors involved in the coffee supply chain; examination of the current challenges, expectations and actions to be implemented in the aggregation and tracking data of the coffee supply chain; and the identification of technologies that could be aligned with the actions implemented to ensure an effective coffee supply chain in Kenya were done. The proposed tool used the aggregation function that was implemented using the APEX Oracle analytics function. The Agile system development methodology was adopted in the development of the Transactional Data and Analytical Tool (TDAT). At the functional level of the proposed tool, the data clerk can only enter data upon the confirmation of the registration of the farmer. This will eliminate “ghost” farmers. The ability if generating an aggregation data upon entry of the quantity of cherry delivered and the capability of the farmer receiving the continuous notification of the status of the cumulative quantity cherry delivered will eliminate possibility of manipulating the data in the database.
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science of Information Technology at Strathmore University