The Curriculum for human development

Atieno, Chelsea Onyango
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Strathmore University
Each year, there are steadily increasing rates of jobless youth, cases of mental illnesses and suicide among other issues that negatively impact the society. It is no surprise that even as countries become more economically developed, there seems to be a regression when it comes to the social and mental aspects of the human being. The curriculum, world over, has focused on educating students on how they can pass exams, acquire jobs and fend for themselves while it has practically ignored the most essential human needs, which are character, wellness and contentment. Hygiene is a Danish art that emphasizes on well-being and this explains why the Danes are some of the happiest people in the world. If education was fashioned to cater for the most intrinsic human needs such as well being, then some of the physical needs would be tackled simply by contentment and that would curb many social evils such as theft, corruption and fraud. This underscores that there are certain issues in curriculum review and development that have barely been addressed and even where they have been addressed, students do not understand the importance of certain arts of life due to the bureaucratic culture that they have been brought up in. This suggests that there needs to be radical changes in the curriculum in order to have a well- functioning society where peoples’ well-being is at the forefront of every subject.
2018 Conference paper presented at Strathmore University, Nairobi Kenya. Thematic area (Humanities and Social Sciences)
Curriculum review, Education, Humanities