The Family in China

George Njenga
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Liji Xueji’s work explains the Chinese notion of civil order. It mentions that the highest principle of moral justice is `to return good for good and evil for evil’. To return good for evil is mistaken because that would only encourage the persistence of evil. However, according to the book, the best example of filial devotion consists in working for the benefit of the community and that this is demonstrated primarily by the love one has for his parents. Once this habit of love for the parents has matured it is later adorned with service to ones fatherland and finally crowned with the good reputation that comes with the habit of being a sincere and righteous behavior. Parents naturally wish that their children fulfill their duties like good citizens and if possible, undertake tasks that benefit the rest of the community. Hence, the conduct of a son who is obedient to his parent’s demonstrates filial devotion at the same time.
Family Law, China