An online fruit shopping mobile application for Ghanshyam Fruits Limited in Kenya
Vaghjiani, Sneha Rameshkumar
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Strathmore University
As the social economy grows, several Kenyan residents are choosing to shop over the internet due
to circumstances like bad weather, traffic and other factors. Therefore, delivery of fresh fruits from
the Kenyan fruit markets on online platforms are very reliable. In addition, too much competition
in the market is causing low demand and perishability of fruits from the companies. Ghanshyam
Fruits Limited, a company in the Kenyan fruit industry is faced with challenges of being unable to
expand and outsource within the market.
The project proposal is an endeavor to give benefits of internet shopping to clients in the fresh fruit
market. This will assist in purchasing fruits in the company anywhere through web by utilizing an
android gadget. An android application that will allow the consumer to shop, pay and get the fruits
at ease. In this manner the client will get the service of internet shopping from his favorite company
in the fruits market. The tools to be used in the project would be, android studio and Firestore
database tools. Lastly, if the company provides an online platform for shopping fresh fruits, they
will not lose any clients and will have an opportunity to develop, for example, Amazon. Since the
application is accessible in the smartphone it is effortlessly and consistently accessible.
An Information Systems Project Proposal Submitted to the School of Computing and
Engineering Sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of a Degree in
Business Information Technology