International investment in oil, environmental degradation and the developing world A (Dis)connection

Kahumbu, Joanna Katunge
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Strathmore University
The study undertaken in this dissertation seeks to assess the position of international investment in the developing world, analysed in the context of the right to a clean and healthy environment. The study highlights the notion that countries interested in attracting international investment often have weak or unenforceable environmental standards. As a result of this, the position of Kenya is analysed with regards to the oil and gas industry with the primary question being: what lessons can Kenya learn from other developing nations that have undertaken international investment in the extractives sector, without compromising on environmental standards? The major finding is resultantly that Kenya has in place the legislative framework necessary to combat the deleterious effects of investment in this pollution heavy industry, but the same framework is found wanting with regards to enforceability and compliance.
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the Bachelor of Laws Degree, Strathmore University Law School