A nutrition information dissemination platform for primary caregivers in Kajiado County

Wanjau, Samuel Mwangi
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Strathmore University
Access to information by Primary Caregivers for execution of their caregiving role still remains a challenge. These challenges such as lack of contextualized and personalized Nutrition Information is attributed to weak structural and operational initiatives that have been put in by the Government of Kenya and their implementing partners. The overall aim of this study was to develop a nutritional information dissemination platform for primary care givers using USSD technology to improve nutritional education. This platform assisted in tackling the nutritional information gaps that Primary Caregivers have. The researcher employed Agile methodology and Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) that realized the USSD enabled Nutrition Information Dissemination Platform. The platform was developed on a web platform that makes use of HTML 5, PHP and MySQL to provide user friendly utilization dashboard for health workers and health stakeholders. The proposed solution availed nutrition information to Primary Caregivers which in turn lead to an improvement in the nutrition status of the Kajiado County residents. The study involved stakeholders such as County Government of Kajiado and a nutrition expert from Strathmore Medical Center who contributed by providing guidance throughout the development the USSD solution for Primary Caregivers.
A Thesis Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Information Technology at Strathmore University
Primary Caregivers, Nutrition, Information Dissemination Platform, Kajiado County