A Framework to assess the impact of ICT on the livelihoods of students in tertiary institutions: a case of Strathmore University

dc.creatorWamicha, Elizabeth
dc.creatorAteya, Ismail Lukandu
dc.dateTue, 6 Nov 2012
dc.dateTue, 6 Nov 2012 12:17:15
dc.dateTue, 6 Nov 2012 12:17:15
dc.descriptionICT has been considered to influence the livelihood of many people in a number of ways. This has prompted a great number of citizens to take up training in ICT courses so as to harness the supposed livelihood benefits. The research focuses on the impact ICT has on the livelihood of students in tertiary institutions. The study uses the livelihoods model as the conceptual model with vulnerability context, human, social, financial capital of the student and the policies/processes of the tertiary institution as the main variables in developing a framework for the assessment on the impact ICT has on the livelihood of students in tertiary institutions The developed framework is an extension of the livelihoods model that has been modified to include critical components such us curriculum development, collaboration with industry academic institutions and alumni to overcome the gaps observed that exist within the existing ICT tertiary institution. The administration of the framework is in four parts; the first part is the determination of the vulnerability context within which the student operates; the second part outlines the methods used to maximize livelihood assets of the student; the third part emphasizes on the adjustment of institutional policies and procedures. The fourth part details the incorporation of the livelihood strategies into the tertiary institution and the outcome expected from the framework is strengthened relationships between industry and top universities with increased accountability to stakeholders.
dc.description.abstractICT has been considered to influence the livelihood of many people in a number of ways. This has prompted a great number of citizens to take up training in ICT courses so as to harness the supposed livelihood benefits. The research focuses on the impact ICT has on the livelihood of students in tertiary institutions. The study uses the livelihoods model as the conceptual model with vulnerability context, human, social, financial capital of the student and the policies/processes of the tertiary institution as the main variables in developing a framework for the assessment on the impact ICT has on the livelihood of students in tertiary institutions. The developed framework is an extension of the livelihoods model that has been modified to include critical components such us curriculum development, collaboration with industry academic institutions and alumni to overcome the gaps observed that exist within the existing ICT tertiary institution. The administration of the framework is in four parts; the first part is the determination of the vulnerability context within which the student operates; the second part outlines the methods used to maximize livelihood assets of the student; the third part emphasizes on the adjustment of institutional policies and procedures. The fourth part details the incorporation of the livelihood strategies into the tertiary institution and the outcome expected from the framework is strengthened relationships between industry and top universities with increased accountability to stakeholders.
dc.formatNumber of Pages:14 p.
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dc.subjectImpact of ICT
dc.subjectLivelihoods approach
dc.subjectlivelihood assets
dc.subjectcontext, institutional policies and Procedures
dc.titleA Framework to assess the impact of ICT on the livelihoods of students in tertiary institutions: a case of Strathmore University
dc.typeLearning Object
dc.typeConference Paper
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