Customer feedback and its role in improving retail service quality

Misoi, Sharon Cheptoo
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Strathmore University
Customer Feedback is fast becoming an important requirement for every business. The key reason for collecting feedback is to better hear the voice of the customer so as to meet their needs and serve them better. Despite numerous research, relevant stakeholders have not given the necessary attention to this sector more so the customers themselves and have continued to focus on the manufacturing organizations. This study sought to find out the perception of customers towards the customer feedback systems available in supermarket and their influence on service quality. Besides, it sought to find out whether the presence of customer feedback systems influenced the preference and loyalty of customers. Data was collected through structured questionnaires filled by 60 respondents and analyzed descriptively through charts and tables. The research concluded that most customers have a negative perception towards customer feedback systems. It also showed that there exists a relationship between customer feedback and service quality as the respondents perceive that feedback has a good effect on the Accuracy and Accessibility of the service offered in the supermarket but a poor effect on the Responsiveness and Reliability of the service offered.
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