A Critical review of political representation of Kenyan-Asian women

Mulji, Rukhsar Munir
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Strathmore University
This paper is about women who are members of the Kenyan-Asian community which was recently declared to constitute one of the 44 tribes of Kenya. I endeavor to define what a tribe is in the twenty first century, followed by initiating a discourse on the participation of Kenyan-Asian women in politics. The paper looks at different theories that have created the modern day perceptions of African feminism and whether or not that feminism is racially exclusive. Moreover, the paper shows the developments made by way of legisla6on and use of affirmative action policies that have been enacted. or are in the process of being enacted, to assist in getting rid of discrimination against women. Furthermore. this paper addresses the status of the Kenyan-Asian as a minority group in Kenya, and draws the necessary conclusions for rights that are to be bestowed upon such groups.
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Bachelor of Laws Degree, Strathmore University Law School
Kenyan-Asian community, Tribe, Women in politics, African feminism