The Effects of e-governance on delivery of services in Kenya

Kithinji, Joy Makena
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Strathmore University
Service delivery takes a long time in government and inefficiencies in government organizations have been on the rise since 2008 (Chege, 2010). The study targets KRA as a government department that discharges public services. The study investigated ICT performance in Customs Service, Domestic taxes, road transport, Research and corporate planning. This study is guided by IT management theory. Which states that for integrated technological systems to be accepted and viewed as successful, technical administrators must feel that there are great benefits provided to them. Data is presented in the form of frequency distribution tables, graphs and pie charts that facilitates description and explaination of the study findings. The study findings provides the policy makers with insights into critical factors that need to be considered when formulating policies meant to enhance implementation of tax collection services. The study found out that, with the implementation of e-governance system, there has been a tremendous improvement of the working condition in KRA offices. It can be concluded that e-governance is about the use of information technology to raise the quality of the services government deliver to citizens and businesses and has had a positive impact in governing the services offered in KRA. Further the study recommended that, Kenya government should allocate funds to the automation of the government services as this encourages transparency and accountability.
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