Teacher factors influencing integration of information communication technology in teaching of english language in secondary schools in Eldoret-East Sub-County, Kenya

Tenai, Noah Kibet
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Strathmore University
Researchers have identified several factors influencing the integration and adoption of ICT into teaching. Personal characteristics of a teacher such as gender, educational experience, training on ICT, attitudes and perceptions can influence the adoption of a technology. The focus of this study was to investigate teacher factors that influence the integration of ICTs in teaching English language in Secondary schools in Eldoret East Sub County, Kenya. The objectives of the study were to investigate the influence of teachers‟ gender, teachers‟ attitude, ICT training and teachers‟ experience on ICT integration in teaching of English language in Secondary schools. The study was guided by the Diffusion of Innovations Theory and The Rand Change Agent Theory. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The target population was 56 public secondary schools and 168 English teachers. Simple random sampling was used to select 17 public secondary schools and a sample size of 51 English language teachers purposively selected. A questionnaire was used to collect data which was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. There was a significant correlation between gender and technology literacy only. Significant relationship exists between attitude on ICT use and technology literacy. A positive and significant correlation exists between training and technology literacy, knowledge deepening and knowledge creation. The level of training affects ICT integration in the teaching of English language. Significant relationship exists between teaching experience and technology literacy. Both male and female teachers need to be encouraged to develop ICT literacy through training to enable them integrate ICT for teaching thus enhancing on students‟ achievement of set goals. Computer hardware should be availed to all student teachers in order to enhance its use during learning process that will empower them with skills and content to use them in actual teaching practice. Schools should ensure that they equip computer labs with adequate facilities.
Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Educational Management (MSc.EM) at Strathmore University
ICT Integration, Technology literacy, Knowledge Deepening, Knowledge Creation