Analysis of the effectiveness of technovation law in Kenya

Ndaruzi, Odette NahabandI
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Strathmore University
The idea of technovation law is a fairly recent practice in Kenya that has risen from technological advances which influence innovation. This research paper focuses on the implementation of the law in Kenya in comparison to other countries and the recommendations that would be relevant to Kenya. The objective of this research is to determine how effective the laws in Kenya are as compared to other states having carried out an assessment of the awareness among employees and employers of their rights with regards to technovations. To achieve this, we must understand the idea behind technovation laws through the theories so as to conduct a thorough analysis between the legislation available in Kenya and other countries. In addition, a quantitative research must be conducted to assess the work environment in Kenya and how well it has embraced the law. The provisions for technovations in the laws of Kenya are quintessential to encourage innovation in the work environment which in turn will lead to improved efficiency and consequently, a positive impact in the economy as a whole. The advancements in technology leave room for further inventive measures which must be protected in the law
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Bachelor of Laws Degree, Strathmore University Law School
Technovation law, Kenya, Intellectual Property., Industrial Property Act of Kenya, Analysis