The Labour dynamics in the European single market

Koech, Kevin Kipkirui
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Strathmore University
This study examines the impact that the introduction of the European single market has had on the unemployment rates and the level of wages in member countries of the European Union. The study seeks to obtain indicators of the labor situation of countries that are in the European Union's single market and using the synthetic counterfactuals method estimate how the levels of unemployment would have behaved for these countries had they not joined the European Union. The study looks at general unemployment of the European population. Data used in the study are those obtained through the use of claimant count which records those claiming unemployment benefits and job seekers allowance and can prove that they are actively looking for work. The study will also employ the use of data obtained using the labor force survey method in line with the International Labor Organization's criteria of comparing unemployment.
A Research project Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Business Science in Financial Economics at Strathmore University