Mobile water metering system based on hall effect sensor

Kanja, Mwangi Ceasar
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Strathmore University
Water supply in Kenya is facing many challenges which include; lack of information about access to water, water storage, and ambiguous water policies. Additionally, corruption brings down and hinders any effort towards development. This is evident during water meter reading, where some water consumers give bribes to the field clerks and evade paying water bills. Moreover, illegal connection to water supply is another challenge where some consumers are illegally connected to the main water supply pipeline, thus do not pay their water bills. All the above cases are areas where revenue go untapped resulting in poor and deteriorating water services due to lack of enough revenue to finance the services. Moreover, water consumers do not have access to information about water supply services, and the available data about water consumption is not accurate and reliable for decision making. In this study, we propose a mobile water metering system that offers potential solution to challenges facing water supply. The system makes use of Hall Effect sensor for automatic water metering and subsequent real-time data upload to a cloud server for storage and subsequent analysis. The test results showed that the proposed solution can be used in ensuring that users stay informed and can actively participate by reporting on water issues and serve as advisors to water supply decision-makers in water monitoring, assessment and management thus promoting transparency, effectiveness, and build users‟ capacity to ensure responsiveness and advocacy.
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Science in Mobile Telecommunication and Innovation (MSc. MTI)
Mobile Water Metering System, Mobile, Water Metering System, Metering System, Hall Effect Sensor