Essays on gender issues, food security, and technology adoption in East Africa

This paper uses household- and plot-level data to test whether there are systematic gender differences in the adoption of joint sustainable intensification practices in Kenya. Using a multivariate probit model, we find that gender differences in the adoption of some technologies do exist. Women plot managers are more likely to adopt maize-legume intercropping, but less likely to adopt minimum tillage and apply animal manure relative to male plot managers. However, we find no gender differences for adoption of maize-legume rotation, improved seed varieties, and application of inorganic fertilizer. The results further show that the adoptions of agricultural technologies are strongly influenced by plot characteristics and household factors such as plot size, plot ownership, soil fertility, extension service, access to credit, and age.
This thesis consists of five self-contained papers.
Complementarity, Gender, Agricultural Technology Adoption, Multivariate Probit, food security, gender, discrimination, exogenous switching treatment regression, Environmental goods collection, Fuelwood, Water, Children, Schooling, Kenya